Apr 29, 2005

Lacuna Inc.

"Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders."

Ever wish you could erase off certain part of your memories? Memories that bring tears, humiliation or regrets? Think you can.
Just came across this website of Lacuna Inc. while browsing on the net.
It's a company that actually help you forget. You choose which part of your memory u want to delete and they do it for ya. Pretty cool eh? Bring me to wonder if there's anything i wanna erase in my memory.
But after thinkin' very very very long, realise i got nuttin' to erase. Even sad memories i'll treasure, coz every single memories mark the journey of my life. It is what i am and what i'm made of.
in fact i wish i could remember all the stuffs that happened in my life. As i get older by the days, i find myself losing details of the events in the past. Memories i treasured, i wish i could record them into a DVD and playback anytime i want.
Whoever can come up wit a way to do this is sure gonna get freaking rich.
Well for now gotta make do wit cameras, thats what recording memories for now.
Do check out the company if ya got something to erase.



Finally the torturous two weeks of examinations is over, no more muggin' in cold aircon room, no more sleepin' on the floor, no more withdrawal syndrome from the lack of climbing and no more dinners at Quad.
Muz say it wasn't easy passing thru this two weeks. With the lack of interest in the subjects, i would have given up and gone climbin' if not for the help of GongKia n Fatboy. Was fun muggin' wit them and really appreciate wat they've done for me. Be it lendin' me calculator, giving up the bed for me, buying lunch for me, clearin' my doubts...wow the list can go on n on.
Thanx guys! Very 感动 Muack! Muack! Hmmm...betta stop here before i get mistaken as gay boy again.
Anyway went chillin' wit Deanie n TLS at PS after i left skool today. Wonder how i still have the energy to hang out, i should be heading for my bed man. Anyway we didn't do anything strenous beside shopping for DVDs. You wouldn't wanna know how long we took! After Carefour closes its door on us, we headed to Moss Burger where we took a pic of the DVDs we got and my "exercise book". Well tat sorta mark the end of my EOE celebration. Something funny did happened to
TLS on our way home, but i'll leave it to Deanie to share on his blog.

Outta here.

Chillin' in Moss for EoE Celebration.

Apr 27, 2005

No DoG SLeEP...zzZZ

1 more paper to go before the end of all miseries! Finally its has come to the last one. I don't know if i can hold out any longer, been days since i gotten my recommended 7hrs of uninterrupted sleep. Last night i only managed to get 5, then its off to the morning paper i just finished. Once again feeling sleepy, can't wait for tomorrow's paper to end then i can get all the rest i want.
For now i'll just have to make do with a short nap in the lab, then it's back to the battle.

Knockin' out.....zzZZZzzzz

Apr 26, 2005

Taking a break

Having a breather now that i've juz finish a paper this mornin'. Thats 4 down and 2 more to go!
Seems like i've been numbed by exams already, these days i no longer care if i do well in them but rather juz look forward to the day i can throw my notes to one corner, no matter if i gotta dig for them to use again next sem. Chances are i will most prob need to use them again next sem judging by the amount of ink used on the papers. Really think i'm wasting paper by not fully utilising the answer booklet given in exams, don't remember any papers where i used more than half the pages given. Hope they are being recycled or i'll be really guilty. Well maybe not...
Well enough time wasted, time to get back to the notes.


Apr 24, 2005

This is juz a test.

Haha i don't believe it. I actually have a blog too!
Gee... think i'm just a blind follower of the trend my friends are setting.Will be so not cool to be without a blog nowadays, even TLS has one now.
Anyway this is juz a test post, so i'm just crapping around.
Damn i'm sleepy now! Muz be all that muggin' plus going to bed at 3am last night after Carol n Deanie left my place.
Think i betta catch some winks before dinner time.

Out for now.

Muggin' in skooL